
Ceron, A. (2023). Super partes? Ideological leaning of heads of state and their distance from prime ministers. Contemporary Italian Politics, 1-15.

Invernizzi, G. M., & Ceron, A. (2023). Politics by denunciation: Political whistleblowing against members of parliament in Italy. Electoral Studies83, 102601.

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Ceron A., Negri, F. & Decadri, S. (2023). Populismo in Rete – Un’analisi della comunicazione dei politici italiani. Carocci editore.

Bromo, F., Gambacciani, P., & Improta, M. (2023). Executive Power and Accountability in Italy and the Government’s Response to Covid-19. Interdisciplinary Political Studies, 9(1), 43-64.

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Ceron, A. (2024): Ideological Disagreement and the Rejection of Laws by Italian Heads of State, Swiss Political Science Review, doi: 10.1111/spsr.12589


work in progress