Upcoming project presentations

Previous project presentations

Workshop: A un anno dall’inizio della legislatura: governo e parlamento alla prova dei (nuovi) numeri, University of Trieste, Trieste, 19-20 December 2023.

Paper: 2023 Unity and Coherence: the Mobilizing Effect of Valence Attributes.

Presenters: Andrea Ceron, Silvia Berloto & Jessica Rosco

Speech delivered at the Jaume I University, CastellĀ“on de la Plana, 6 November 2023.

Paper: Electoral campaigns on Facebook in Europe: The Italian case.

Presenter: Andrea Ceron

Workshop: Current Advances in (Intra-)Party Politics Research, Gothenburg, 21-22 September 2023.

Paper: Intra-party negativity and criticism of party leaders in Italy.

Presenter: Andrea Ceron

XXXVI Convention of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), Genova, 14-16 September 2023.

Paper: The mobilizing effect of intra-party and intra-coalition unity, credibility and coherence.

Presenters: Andrea Ceron, Silvia Berloto & Jessica Rosco

ECPR General Conference, 4-8 September 2023

Paper: Italian politics after the 2022 general election: Government, parties and legislators in a reformed parliament

Presenters: Elisabetta De Giorgi, Andrea Pedrazzani, Luca Pinto

Paper: Recent Developments in the Analysis of Legislative Speeches

Presenters: Karen Umansky, Daniela Giannetti

Paper: Multiple crises and changes in individual attitudes and behaviours towards politics, policy and polity in Southern Europe

Presenters: Alessandro Pellegata, Irene Ciornei

European Political Science Association 13th Annual Conference. 22-24 June 2023, Glasgow

Paper: The effect of politicians hostility toward the media

Presenter: Andrea Ceron

Workshop – Yet they persist: democracies in an age of autocratization, University of Milan, 9 June 2023

Paper: A place to rally around the flag or hub of subversive information? Telegram during Russo – Ukrainian war

Presenter: Tamara Grechanaya

Paper: Democracy under pressure: How crises trigger public attention around fake news.

Presenter: Andrea Ceron

73rd PSA annual international conference. Liverpool, 3-5 Arpil 2023

Paper: Democratic institutions in difficult times: the case of Italy from a comparative perspective

Presenters: Elisabetta De Giorgi, Andrea Pedrazzani

8th annual conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics. Loughborough University, UK, 22-23 September 2022

Paper: A place to rally around the flag or hub of subversive information? Telegram during Russo – Ukrainian war

Presenter: Tamara Grechanaya

Collegio di Milano – Special Guest Evening, Milano, 21 September 2022

Paper: Italian General Election 2022 in times of crises

Presenter: Andrea Ceron

Italian Political Science Association – Annual Conference 8-10 September 2022, Sapienza University, Rome

Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Chairs: Andrea Pedrazzani, Federico Russo

Paper: DEMOPE: Democracy under Pressure

Panel: Parliaments in difficult times Presenter: Andrea Ceron

Paper: The pandemic, the parliament and the government: the case of Italy 2020-2022

Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Presenters: Gianluca Piccolino, Elisabetta De Giorgi

Paper: Super Partes? The Conflictual Relationship between Heads of State and Cabinets in Italy

Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Presenter: Andrea Ceron

Team Meetings

16 June 2022, in person meeting, University of Milan, Milan – DEMOPE Kickoff Meeting

27 February 2023, online meeting

12 July 2023, in person meeting, University of Bologna, Bologna

20 December 2023, in person meeting, University of Trieste, Trieste