Upcoming project presentations
Italian Political Science Association – Annual Conference 12-14 September 2024, University of Trieste, Trieste
Panel: Institutions and political actors faced with the (poly)crisis; Chairs: Alice Cavalieri, Andrea Ceron
Panel: Illiberal Democracy, Far-Right Mainstreaming, and the Challenges to Contemporary Politics in Europe; Chairs: Valerio Alfonso Bruno, Leonardo Puleo, Alessio Scopelliti
Panel: Analyzing Parliaments in Turbulent Times; Chairs: Elisabetta De Giorgi, Andrea Pedrazzani
Previous project presentations
Workshop: A un anno dall’inizio della legislatura: governo e parlamento alla prova dei (nuovi) numeri, University of Trieste, Trieste, 19-20 December 2023.
Paper: 2023 Unity and Coherence: the Mobilizing Effect of Valence Attributes.
Presenters: Andrea Ceron, Silvia Berloto & Jessica Rosco
Speech delivered at the Jaume I University, CastellĀ“on de la Plana, 6 November 2023.
Paper: Electoral campaigns on Facebook in Europe: The Italian case.
Presenter: Andrea Ceron
Workshop: Current Advances in (Intra-)Party Politics Research, Gothenburg, 21-22 September 2023.
Paper: Intra-party negativity and criticism of party leaders in Italy.
Presenter: Andrea Ceron
XXXVI Convention of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), Genova, 14-16 September 2023.
Paper: The mobilizing effect of intra-party and intra-coalition unity, credibility and coherence.
Presenters: Andrea Ceron, Silvia Berloto & Jessica Rosco
ECPR General Conference, 4-8 September 2023
Paper: Italian politics after the 2022 general election: Government, parties and legislators in a reformed parliament
Presenters: Elisabetta De Giorgi, Andrea Pedrazzani, Luca Pinto
Paper: Recent Developments in the Analysis of Legislative Speeches
Presenters: Karen Umansky, Daniela Giannetti
Paper: Multiple crises and changes in individual attitudes and behaviours towards politics, policy and polity in Southern Europe
Presenters: Alessandro Pellegata, Irene Ciornei
European Political Science Association 13th Annual Conference. 22-24 June 2023, Glasgow
Paper: The effect of politicians hostility toward the media
Presenter: Andrea Ceron
Workshop – Yet they persist: democracies in an age of autocratization, University of Milan, 9 June 2023
Paper: A place to rally around the flag or hub of subversive information? Telegram during Russo – Ukrainian war
Presenter: Tamara Grechanaya
Paper: Democracy under pressure: How crises trigger public attention around fake news.
Presenter: Andrea Ceron
73rd PSA annual international conference. Liverpool, 3-5 Arpil 2023
Paper: Democratic institutions in difficult times: the case of Italy from a comparative perspective
Presenters: Elisabetta De Giorgi, Andrea Pedrazzani
8th annual conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics. Loughborough University, UK, 22-23 September 2022
Paper: A place to rally around the flag or hub of subversive information? Telegram during Russo – Ukrainian war
Presenter: Tamara Grechanaya
Collegio di Milano – Special Guest Evening, Milano, 21 September 2022
Paper: Italian General Election 2022 in times of crises
Presenter: Andrea Ceron
Italian Political Science Association – Annual Conference 8-10 September 2022, Sapienza University, Rome
Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Chairs: Andrea Pedrazzani, Federico Russo
Paper: DEMOPE: Democracy under Pressure
Panel: Parliaments in difficult times Presenter: Andrea Ceron
Paper: The pandemic, the parliament and the government: the case of Italy 2020-2022
Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Presenters: Gianluca Piccolino, Elisabetta De Giorgi
Paper: Super Partes? The Conflictual Relationship between Heads of State and Cabinets in Italy
Panel: Parliaments in difficult times; Presenter: Andrea Ceron
Team Meetings
16 June 2022, in person meeting, University of Milan, Milan – DEMOPE Kickoff Meeting
27 February 2023, online meeting
12 July 2023, in person meeting, University of Bologna, Bologna
20 December 2023, in person meeting, University of Trieste, Trieste
12 September 2024, in person meeting, University of Trieste, Trieste